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Artwork Published Permanently and Displayed
on Social Distanceing Gallery by PIANO CRAFT GALLERY, BOSTON

My Artworks Displayed and Permanently Published on the social media gallery of Piano craft gallery, March,2020

As the City of Boston and surrounding communities gradually begin to shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Piano Craft Gallery recognizes the decreased number of opportunities for artists to publicly share their work. During this unique pandemic, They are shifted their presence to an exclusively online model. And launched the, Social Distancing Gallery, a social media gallery with the goal of representing New England multi-disciplinary arts while responding to public health recommendations. During this time of an unprecedented event, we believe that artistic culture can help lift the spirits of individuals facing unique and restrictive circumstances.

Title: Eyes of hope

Year: 2016

Type: Photograph

Child labor in Pakistan is the employment of children for work in Pakistan, which causes mental, physical, moral and social harm to children.[1] The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan estimated in the 1990s, 11 million children were working in the country, half of which were under the age of ten. In 1996, the median age for a child entering the work force was seven, down from eight years old in 1994. It was estimated that one quarter of the country’s work force was made up of children.[2] In a city of Pakistan, Hyderabad children enter work force at the age of 4 or 5 years old making bangles and bracelets.

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